Friday, July 3, 2009

chain of informatioN


Barry wrote a quote: "Quote Quote Quote"
then published it in the internet. He is the official author of the quote.

Then, May saw the quote and she liked it. She asked the authors permission if she could post it in her blog as well. the author was delighted and allowed May to have the quote in her page.

May now have that said quote in her page, it tuned out that May was a popular girl in school and everyone checks her blog once in a while. They happen to like the quote as well.

It is written: "Quote quote quote" by Barry
May's Blog

Then a chain has been made because lots of people want that quote on their pages

"Quote quote quote" by Barry
From May's blog
Gerald's blog

"Quote quote quote" By Barry
from the blog of May
from Gerald's Blog
Stephens Blog

"Quote quote quote" By Barry
from the blog of May
from Gerald's Blog
Stephens Blog
George's Blog

and so on. Barry in the other hand got tired of approving request from many students
Barry was so irritated that he confessed that he isnt the author, which he lied.

He said May is the real author, and May became more popular. Same as barry, she grew tiresome of the request approval and passed on and on.

My point in this story is: nothing, I just want to write. hahaha

1 comment:

  1. Hey! this one has a point. Its trying to tell us that people are stupid. nice post
